Thursday, December 27, 2007

Wheatgrass Juice Benefits

Wheatgrass. Surely you've heard of this wheatgrass stuff before, right? If you haven't, your about to find out what great health benefits you've been missing out on from not knowing about wheatgrass juice.

I'm sure you've seen these lawn looking cubes being sold at the grocery store. Yes! that's wheatgrass! Now, you can't just pick it up at the store and start eating it. To be able to reap the health benefits of wheatgrass, you must turn it into wheatgrass juice first, with a juicer that is.

Wheatgrass is a plant that produces high amounts of chlorophyll, active enzymes, vitamins, and other vital nutrients. Wheatgrass is also a living food full of vitamins which makes it the freshest food you'll probably eat all day.

Just to give you an example of how powerful this stuff is, one ounce of wheatgrass juice is comparable in vitamins, minerals, and amino acids found is 2 1/2 pounds of green leaf vegetables! Can you believe that!

Besides all of the super healthy vitamins, minerals, and amino acids that wheatgrass provides, you are consuming chlorophyll as well. Chlorophyll is the basis of plant life, and makes up more than 70% of the solid content of wheatgrass.

The chlorophyll in plants is similar to the molecules in human red blood cells which helps in rebuilding the bloodstream, reduces the risk of cancer, and cleanses the body.

Benefits of Wheatgrass Juice

  • Purifies the liver
  • Builds blood cells
  • Clears up sinuses
  • Reduces Anemia
  • Cleanses the colon
  • Detoxifies the body
  • Helps with weight control
  • Reduces the risk of cancer
  • Normalizes high blood pressure
  • Refreshes and energizes the body
  • Stimulates healthy tissue cell growth
  • Helps stop growth of unfriendly bacteria
  • Beneficial in treatment of skin diseases and burns
  • Contains 97 enzymes, vitamins, phytochemicals and minerals

1 comment:

Paul Mendoza said...

Wow, I was looking XanGo information but this site has so much content on other juices. I'm book marking this site for sure.
