Green tea (simplified Chinese: 绿茶; traditional Chinese: 綠茶; pinyin: lǜchá; Japanese: 緑茶; ryokucha) is a "true" tea, meaning it is made solely with the leaves of Camellia sinensis, that has undergone minimal oxidation during processing. Green tea originates from China and has become associated with many cultures in Asia from Japan to the Middle East. Recently, it has become more widespread in the West, where black tea is traditionally consumed. Many varieties of green tea have been created in countries where it is grown that can differ substantially due to variable growing conditions, processing and harvesting time. Over the last few decades green tea has begun to be subjected to many scientific and medical studies to determine the extent of its long purported health benefits, with some evidence suggesting regular green tea drinkers may have lower chances of heart disease and contracting certain types of cancer.m po';ghmn
Monday, December 31, 2007
Green tea
Posted by
Robert Nichols
4:36 AM
Labels: green tea
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Goji Scam?
Source: Passion for Health
In January 2007, Earl Mindell was lambasted by CBC Marketplace in a fascinating interview and exposé for allegedy taking advantage of sick folks to make huge profits selling goji juice. His business empire is massive. His goji meetings are like religious events with Mindell as “master.” His product—Freelife “Himalayan” Goji Juice is actually made from berries not grown in the Himalayas! His reasoning is that the “unique” polysaccharide profile is the same as the Himalayan sort. Hmmm I don’t like that kind of thing. Either it’s Himalayan or it aint. Mindell claims that only his juice has the exact profile of these “master” molecules “There simply is no other product on the market like it.” He also claims he’s going to close half the hospitals!
To use Freelife (a pyramid marketed product with top sellers making $170,000 - $1,700,000 a year according to freelife), expect to shell out $50 per bottle or about $250 for a months supply. I feel sad. This smacks of exploiting sick people. Can folks not get the benefit of goji berries that doesn’t involve a $250 per month cost? The Marketplace program said that many of his claims are false. In lab tests, his juice contained virtually no B or E vitamins and no beta carotene. The lab tests also found his “unique” product to be similar to other juices. Mindell responded by citing 76 peer reviewed studies that support his health claims. He’s written a book on Goji that lists 34 health benefits—even that it prevents cancer.
Dr. Steven Zegar, who researches natural health products for cancer treatment at McMaster University has reviewed many of the goji studies. He says Mindell has extrapolated bits of these studies and is using them out of context. The polysaccharides could have health benefits but there’s little proof to back up the hype. Dr Bradlow of Hackensack University in New Jersey said “It inhibited the growth of cells in a dish… a little dish like this isn’t the same as a person.”
“There’s absolutely no proof it would have that effect on a human… there’s no justification for encouraging people to take this as an anti-cancer drug… it’s misrepresentation of the facts… it’s unbelievable how many unscrupulous souls there are out there, trying to pedal an unproven product… there’s lots of single studies that turned out to be one shot wonders.”

In Mindell’s defense, I reckon goji berries do have cancer preventing qualities. Plant food in general have been shown in many studies to have anti-cancer properties and antioxidants are known to “mop up” free radicals which can cause DNA damage. Since goji is a highly nutritious berry, it’s fair to say that it has anti-cancer properties. Unfortunately for Mindell, you just can’t say it without proof. Also, his juice is lacking many of the health benefits of the berry itself. Surely if he really wanted the best for people, he would be recommending the berries and not his extremely expensive juice? Also in Mindell’s defense, it’s mainly the polysaccharides that he’s promoting in his juice. But again I have to ask why not just eat the berry and get the other benefits as well at a much reduced cost?
In the Marketplace interview, he urges folks to go to and do a search for “Lycium Barbarum” (the latin name for goji berries). Well I did just that–83 results of studies relating to goji or its extracts (to put this into perspective, I did a search on pubmed for broccoli that came up with 5416 studies). So, a few more have been added since the Marketplace interview. Having a quick flick through, three things sprung to mind. Firstly, not many people will have a clue how to interpret these studies. To pick one purely at random… “Effect of lycium barbarum polysaccharide on human hepatoma QGY7703 cells: inhibition of proliferation and induction of apoptosis.” Brain freeze!!
I’m sure you’re dying to know what the outcome of that particular study was eh? Well, “The study suggests that the induction of cell cycle arrest and the increase of intracellular calcium in apoptotic system may participate in the antiproliferative activity of LBP in QGY7703 cells.” Phew, I’m glad we cleared that up!
Secondly, a lot of these studies are just not relevant to the claims made by Mindell… stuff like “How to extract the polysaccharides” and so on. Thirdly, most of these studies were done in China. Call me a cynic but the Chinese would have a lot to gain from goji acquiring a reputation for healing cancer and other illnesses.
Posted by
Robert Nichols
11:15 AM
Labels: Goji Scam?
Noni Juice: Miracle Or False Hope In A Bottle? (17/2/2006)
(CBS) LOS ANGELES They call it a miracle in a bottle. It is the Tahitian Noni juice, a fruit juice that’s taking America by storm. But is it a miracle or just hype? The so-called miracle is a prickly, stinky fruit from Polynesia. Tahitian Noni International based in Utah is the biggest seller of the Noni juice, which they claim promotes good health.
We took a hidden camera into a meeting for sales distributors in Costa Mesa. It sounded like money is growing on trees, at least, the Noni tree. Sales of Tahitian Noni juice are in the billions. “Every 1.7 seconds somebody buys a bottle of Tahitian Noni juice,” one salesman told us.
So why all the hype? We went undercover to find out. We invited two of their distributors, Dee Strubb and Jeanette Bush to our house in Orange County.
They immediately started sharing their stories of medical miracles, testimonials like the woman who was badly burned in an accident. According to Bush, that woman applied massive Noni on the burn and had her wedding in a strapless gown.
Bush’s mother, who supposedly had macular degeneration, recovered when she drank Tahitian Noni juice. “It brought back her eyesight,” she told us.
Then there’s the story of the AIDS patient who survived. We asked if there have been any studies on what it does for HIV. Strubb told us that there have been many studies. “Even dementia, if it’s caught that early then it will put it in reverse,” Strubb added referring to the Noni juice.
During our meeting one of our undercover producers posed as a lupus patient. Sure enough they prescribed Tahitian Noni at $50 a bottle. “For lupus what I would recommend is to start out slow and then an ounce the first two days when you wake up in the morning,” our producer was told. Should we consult her doctor? We asked. “No, just take it,” Strubb said.
Dr. Jeffery Galpin is an immunologist, he’s reviewed studies on Noni juice and their claims and says they can’t back them up. “It’s promoted to do everything with no validation of anything.”
We asked him if Noni juice could cure lupus. “No,” Galpin said. We asked him about reverse dementia or macular degeneration. “Absolutely not,” Galpin told us.
We caught up with Bush to see if she can back up her claims. We asked her if there have been independent scientific studies that show it helps AIDS. “Not that I know of,” she said. We asked about lupus. “Not that I’m aware of.”
So we confronted Bush about the fact that she might be selling false hopes for $50 a bottle. “No, no, no,” she said.
In 1998 the California attorney general’s office issued an injunction against Tahitian Noni International, then called Morinda inc. The company agreed to stop making claims their juice treated, prevented or cured diseases, which may explain why we keep hearing the word: miracle.
“We can’t say it cures anything but it does miracles,” Strubb said. Strubb agrees with us that miracle and cure go hand in hand but says, “the company says we can’t call it a cure. We have to be careful.”
For federal trade commission attorney Ray Mckown the words also go hand and hand. “Whether an advertiser uses the word cured or miracle, it makes no difference.”
Bush stands behind her “miracles” and defends the benefits of Tahitian Noni juice. She insists that she is not just selling false hope to people. She ended the conversation when we requested names of her so-called patients.
We spoke to Noni International officials who say these distributors were breaking company rules. They prohibit distributors from making therapeutic or medical claims.
(© MMVI, CBS Broadcasting Inc. All Rights Reserved.)
Posted by
Robert Nichols
11:13 AM
Friday, December 28, 2007
MonaVie Juice
How does living longer, having more energy, making money and giving back to the community all wrapped up in one product sound?MonaVie juice is all these things centered on the main ingredient, the acai berry. The berry grown in the Brazilian Amazon is one of the finest antioxidant super- foods in the world.
The drink combines the acai berry with 18 other fruits to create a great-tasting, healthy juice. With a shot of juice in the morning and a shot of juice at night, the company says you can improve your quality of life instantly.
Most Americans don't get the recommended two to four servings of fruits a day (even though the USDA recommends produce take priority over other foods). In fact, less that 17 percent of Americans get their daily recommended servings, and 48 percent consume less than one serving a day.
Fruits not only have vitamins and minerals, they also contain important health-protecting compounds called phytonutrients. These phytonutrients are what give fruits their color and protect the plant from viruses, bacteria and fungi. When we consume these phytochemicals, we take in these protective agents.
MonaVie: nutritious and delicious - Entertainment

Posted by
Robert Nichols
10:25 AM
Labels: MonaVie Juice
Lycium Barbarum
Lycium Barbarum)
The True Goji - (Lycium Barbarum) from Tibet & Mongolia is a 8-10 ft. tall Himalayan shrub with very small purple/blue flowers & red fruit. The mildly sweet edible fruits can be eaten fresh or dried or used as most berries are used. These fruits have the highest level of anti oxidants of any food plant & are extensively used in the treatment of cancers. In China studies have documented the immune stimulating properties of the fruit. The Goji has been called the most nutrient-dense substance known due to it's high protein <15%>, B vitamins, amino acid & mineral content.
GOJI SEED: On our Goji Seed, you are guaranteed plants from each seed packet.
EXAMPLE: If you order 1- Packet of 10+ Goji Seed, you are guaranteed 10 Goji Plants from that 10+ seed packet. There are around 100 seeds in each 10+ seed packet. And germination is well over 75%.
Complete Growing & germinating Instructions are included with each Goji Seed Order & help when and if you need it, just E-mail us.
Posted by
Robert Nichols
10:24 AM
Labels: Lycium barbarum
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Goji juice interview
Get the whole story right here!! Is Goji really what they say??
Watch the full interview right here
Posted by
Robert Nichols
1:45 PM
Labels: Goji juice interview
Himalayan Goji Juice Featured in New World and Woman's World Magazines
Himalayan Goji Juice has been the subject of a great deal of media attention over the past 12 months. In fact in analysis an incredible amount of positive attention.

Mischa's immaculate complexion is the result of a daily dose of goji juice.

New Woman magazine in Australia just last week ran an article in which they stated Mischa Barton, Liz Hurley and Madonna couldn’t get enough of the super antioxidant goji berry and showed on of the bottles. In the magazine they also wrote that drinking goji daily has been reported to reduce cellulite, protect cells (anti-aging), and even to improve concentration. A caption to a picture in the articles states, Mischa’s immaculate complexion is the result of a daily dose of goji juice. NBC’s Today Show ran a wonderful story on Himalayan Goji Juice. But there’s even more positive press. Time magazine the people who have the “Man of the Year” every year, named the Goji Berry the Super Fruit of the Year.
If that was all the news that would be pretty fantastic, but there is even more. Woman’s World magazine just this past week has published a very nice article concerning the goji berry titled Chinese Miracle Berries for Perfect Health. For over 6000 years herbalists in China have studied and used the goji berry, referring to it as the longevity herb. Blueberries, better watch out move over, there’s a new king of the superfruits in town, the goji berry. If that was all the free publicity that would be great but late in January the Saturday Evening Post will be publishing another exciting article about the goji berry.

Posted by
Robert Nichols
1:36 PM
Labels: Himalayan Goji Juice Featured in New World and Woman's World Magazines
Why Is Hollywood Crazy For This Goji Berry?
You just read about how celebrities and
Also a recent episode of MTV Cribs - featured professional volleyball player and former model Gabrielle Reece and her professional big wave surfer husband Laird Hamilton. MTV Cribs is a program that showcases celebrity homes -

When asked what was in their refrigerator, they opened it to reveal a bottle of Himalayan Goji Juice just chillin' in there. Laird, who was featured in the
Plus they're making a movie about 3 long distant runners who challenge the
Posted by
Robert Nichols
1:33 PM
why Is Hollywood Crazy For This Goji Berry?
Hollywood's hottest new food comes from Tibet, looks like a red raisin and tastes like a cranberry crossed with a cherry. The Goji berry is nature's little miracle—packed full of antioxidants, minerals, vitamin C (500 times more than oranges!) and essential fatty acids. The powerful berries, are also said to be a secret weapon against aging. No wonder celbs love them! Murad is adding Goji extract to its skincare line, but the easiest way to get a Goji fix is to follow the example of LA's Kinara Spa and Café and add a handful of berries to a salad or trail mix. why Is Hollywood Crazy For This Goji Berry?
You just read about how celebrities and Hollywood has gone for goji in a big way. In fact recently goji was featured at the Emmy Awards. Many well known actors and actresses enjoyed the great taste and benefits of Himalayan Goji Juice.
Also a recent episode of MTV Cribs - featured professional volleyball player and former model Gabrielle Reece and her professional big wave surfer husband Laird Hamilton. MTV Cribs is a program that showcases celebrity homes -
When asked what was in their refrigerator, they opened it to reveal a bottle of Himalayan Goji Juice just chillin' in there. Laird, who was featured in the August 7, 2006 edition of Sports Illustrated, pointed out, "This is our Himalayan Goji Juice"! The goji berry is gaining a lot of attention these days. Time Magazine made it their Superfruit of the Year. It was also featured on the Today show as well as other magazines and publications. Check out the Time Magazine article on the Goji Berry - click here!
Plus they're making a movie about 3 long distant runners who challenge the Sahara Desert with Himalayan Goji Juice. They are becoming the first men to attempt to run across Africa and the Sahara Desert. And they are using goji juice as their edge to help them attempt to complete this tremendous journey. Here's what one of them had to say: I've been an ultra endurance athlete for 20 years and have tried every fitness and nutritional product available to me. Himalayan Goji Juice has provided THE most powerful and fastest results I have ever experienced.
Posted by
Robert Nichols
1:29 PM
Time Magazine The Goji Berry is the Superfruit of the Year

Last July, the Los Angeles Times wrote a tremendous article on the goji berry. This July, TIME Magazine, the world's largest news magazine with over 28 million readers, has just named the Himalayan Goji Berry as the breakout Superfruit of the Year!!! Referring to the Himalayan Goji Berry as a source of energy and longevity, the July 24th article was focused on those superfruits that have better health credentials than others. And the Himalayan Goji Berry was the Number 1 breakout of the year!!!

Posted by
Robert Nichols
1:26 PM
Labels: Time Magazine The Goji Berry is the Superfruit of the Year
Where does Acai grow?
The Acai berry grows in clusters on the Acai Palm, a genus of 25-30 species of palms native to tropical Central and South America. These tall, slender, and attractive palms can grow 15-30 meters tall, with leaves up to 3 meters long. The prime commercial source of Acai comes from the area where several rivers converge within the Amazon estuary, emptying along the northeastern corner of Brazil into the Atlantic Ocean between the states of Para and Amapa. The people of Brazil refer to Acai as the "Milk of the Amazon".Does harvesting the Acai berry destroy the Amazon rainforest?
No. In fact, MonaVie is helping to preserve the Amazon rainforest by harvesting the Acai berry. Each week, poachers illegally chop down 5,000 - 10,000 palm trees to obtain and sell a 12-inch section of the palm known as the "Palmito". As a result, the entire tree dies. On the other hand, by harvesting the Acai berry, the palm tree continues to thrive and the natives have an incentive to preserve the Acai-bearing palm tree. It is estimated that in 2006, MonaVie, by buying the Acai berry from the Brazillian suppliers, will preserve over 250,000 Acai palm trees.
Does Acai have a high ORAC score?
Yes, with an ORAC score of 1,026, the açai used in MonaVie boasts the highest ORAC score of any fruit or vegetable tested to date. The açai fruit is the star among other well-known antioxidants, such as blueberries, grapes, red wine, green tea, cranberries, and pomegranates. Obtaining a variety of antioxidants through diet or supplementation is essential to maintaining good health.
What does ORAC mean?
ORAC (oxygen radical absorption capacity) is a way to measure the antioxidant capacity of a food. Foods with high ORAC values are desirable for their ability to inhibit free radical activity.
Why are Antioxidants important?
What are phytonutrients?
Phytonutrients are powerful antioxidants and naturally occurring compounds that contribute to the flavor, color, and disease-resistance of plants (i.e., fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes). Maximum health benefits are derived from consuming a variety of phytonutrients with a full spectrum of colors and pigments, such as those found in MonaVie products.
What are polyphenols?
Polyphenols are a class of powerful antioxidants that are thought to be responsible for the French Paradox: the French have a diet relatively high in fat, yet have a decreased incidence of heart disease; this is attributed to the amount of polyphenols present in the grapes used to make French wines. MonaVie products contain a powerful variety of polyphenols, including anthocyanins. It is estimated that MonaVie products have 20–30 times the anthocyanins found in red wine.
Posted by
Robert Nichols
1:19 PM
MonaVie Acai Berry Juice
MonaVie Acai Berry Juice - The Tree of Life from Amazonian Rainforest...
What ancient tribes and people of the Amazon have known for centuries, the world is just discovering. That an ancient berry, called the Acai Berry, may cause a sexual sensation. This mysterious berry contained in Monavie acai berry juice, has been making headlines throughout USA in the last year. Having been featured in the Wall Street Journal, on NBC’s “Today Show”, and just last month on the “Oprah Winfrey Show”, Dr. Nicholas Perricone, named the Acai fruit as one of the most nutritious and powerful anti-aging foods in the world.

This new elixir has been created and formulated with the expert talent of Dr. Ralph Carson. Dr Carson, Chief Science Officer of Monarch Health Sciences, heads an all star team of the nation’s leading doctors, a prestigious medical team that is passionate about discovering the planet’s secret natural medicines.
Besides being known as the “Amazon’s Viagra”, the Acai Berry is also known to have the following effects: Anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-oxidant, anti-mutagenic, and cardiovascular system. So, how do you get your hands on a bottle of MonaVie? Great question, MonaVie is being launched with a MLM distribution model. A model of business that allows the average person to become the story-teller of a product, and generate their own profits.
Why has such an acclaimed company, gone to this model of business? Just ask Calvenn Starre, MonaVie’s number one distributor, “MonaVie is best served as a person to person product, not just another sit-on-a-self natural Viagra youth elixir.
This way, people can share their personal stories and create financial security during a very insecure time. Why should all the money go to media marketing, when the best advertising is always word of mouth?"
MonaVie is opening its doors to entrepreneurs seeking a home based business opportunity in USA, Canada, Australia, Singapore, Thailand, and Japan in 2005. Surprising to most of us, this MLM opportunity is only $39.95, and each bottle of MonaVie is only $30. Bulk discounts are available in quantities of 24 bottles or more. $30 a month to enjoy a “juicier” life, sign me up!
You can contact me and my team at or visit our website
ticle Source: |
Posted by
Robert Nichols
1:14 PM
Labels: MonaVie Acai Berry Juice
Popular Types of Noni Fruit Drinks
Noni fruit drink is available at brick-and-mortar health food stores as well as online vendors. It is also available from individual members of multi-level marketing companies, but it is recommended that you buy from an established seller.
Noni fruit drink can be expensive – sometimes $60 per liter, but a little goes a long way. Recommended dosage is only one or two ounces daily, on an empty stomach for best absorption.
You can buy any of three basic types of noni fruit drink. The purest form is made of pure noni juice. There are no pulps, seeds, leaves, or bark. It contains the highest concentration of nutrients. Bear in mind that the label might claim the contents to be 100% noni juice, but there might still be water added. (The added liquid reduces the pungent taste.)
The second purest form is pureed noni fruit. This is whole noni fruit, minus the seeds. The concentration of nutrients is not as high as with pure noni, but there is a much wider array of nutrients, affording you some of the more fibrous parts of the fruit. When buying noni juice made by this method, look for a 70% juice concentration or higher.
The third form of noni juice is powder to be mixed with other liquids, such as raspberry juice, cranberry juice, or orange juice. It usually takes 10 to 20 pounds of noni fruit to make one pound of powder. To re-hydrate, just pour in powder at a volume rate 1/10th to 1/20th that of the desired volume of liquid. It is available in bulk for about anywhere from $20 to $60 a pound.
Noni Juice Info provides comprehensive information on Noni fruit drinks, juice, capsules, preparation, benefits, and history. Noni Juice Info is affiliated with Original Content Web.
Article Source:
Posted by
Robert Nichols
1:11 PM
Pure Noni Juice
Did you already have your glass of pure Noni juice today? No? What you mean you don’t like the taste? My grandmother always said that medicine doesn’t necessarily taste good, but it’s all worth it if it works.
New Noni brands accommodating the sensitive taste buds of some Noni fans by diluting the pure Noni juice with water or even mix it with grape or berry juice. Other brands throw some sugar and preservatives in their Noni juice.
I drink Noni juice every morning and to be honest I have never had a problem with the taste. Actually the juice of a ripe Noni is very mild in taste. Only Noni juice of lower quality tastes sour, bitter or even rotten.
Why is it recommended to buy pure Noni juice? Basically because you want to know how much Noni juice you get in each serving. Plus it is much less expensive to mix it with your own berry or grape juice. Why should you pay twice as much for the Noni juice, just because they mixed a little bit of fruit juice in it?
Here is my Orange Noni punch:
1 oz pure Noni juice
6 oz natural Orange juice
Ice cubes
This recipe is delicious and very cooling in the summer.
Make sure that you check the label of your Noni juice. Avoid brands that offer Noni juice that contain additives or preservatives and are diluted with water or fruit juice. Only pure Noni juice processed according to Polynesian tradition will preserve all beneficial nutrients and have a positive influence on your health.
Michael Tatzber is a free lance article writer, Web designer, Web contents manager and SEO specialist. His work can be seen at: (Travel and Real Estate Guide for Puna Hawaii), (Free Massage Videos) and Hawaiian Noni Fruit Juice)
Article Source:
Posted by
Robert Nichols
1:11 PM
Labels: Pure Noni Juice
organic noni juice
Noni Juice, 100% Pure Organic Tahitian Morinda Citrifolia aids digestion, eases arthritis and allergy symptoms, helps eliminate parasites.
Noni Juice Contains Naturally Occurring Minerals, Enzymes, Anti-Oxidants, Vitamins, Phytonutrients, & Bioflavonoids.
Dynamic Health Laboratories'™ Certified Organic Noni Juice provides 12,000 mg of 100% Pure Organic Tahitian Noni ( Morinda Citrifola ) per 1 oz. serving.
Commonly reported health benefits of Noni Juice include:
~ Increased mental clarity and attention span
~ Boosts energy levels
~ Greater physical performance levels
Noni Juice can also benefit the following integrated body systems:
Immunity: supports the immune system's natural ability to fight disease and infection.
Circulation, tissues and cells: Dynamic Health Laboratories'™ Certified Organic Noni Juice is a superior antioxidant that helps rid the body of harmful free radicals. It also increases energy levels.
Digestion: Dynamic Health Laboratories'™ Certified Organic Noni Juice supports proper digestion and helps you absorb more nutrients at the cellular level.
Skin and Hair: Dynamic Health Laboratories'™ Certified Organic Noni Juice contains components that are specifically important to the skin and hair. It also helps carry beneficial substances to the skin.
Dynamic Health Laboratories'™ Certified Organic Noni Juice is rich in Proxeroxine, Scopoletin, Polysaccharides and contains naturally occurring Vitamins, Minerals, Enzymes, Antioxidants, Phytonutrients & Bioflavonoids.
• All Natural Ingredients
• 100% Pure
• Parve • Kosher
• Certified Organic
• Boost Energy Level!
• Promote Healthy Joints
• Improves General Metabolism!
• Support the Digestive System!
• Strengthen The Immune System
• Helps Regulate Blood Sugar Levels
• Beneficial As A Dietary Supplement!
Quality Assurance: All of Dynamic Health Nutrtion formulations are prepared under the strictest QC controls and procedures to guarantee you the finest dietary supplements available in the market today.
Posted by
Robert Nichols
1:09 PM
Labels: organic noni juice
Health Benefits of Noni Juice?
Everywhere I look, I see spam for Tahitian Noni Juice. People spam the comments sections of Health Diaries with noni juice ads. Whenever something is marketed in such a way, I get suspicious. So I decided to do some research and see if there are any real health benefits of noni juice or if it's all just multi-level marketing hype.
When you search Google for noni juice, a bunch of sites selling the product come up. You have to wade through those sites to get to the real info. I managed to find some real information buried among the hype.
Dr. Weil weighs in:
Despite the health claims and the enthusiastic testimonials of customers, there is absolutely no scientific evidence that Noni Juice is an effective treatment for anything at all. (
France warns consumers about the risks of noni juice:
But the French authorities, known to take a highly cautious approach to new food products, said it had very limited data on the tropical fruit's consumption ... It noted further that two recent publications had reported severe liver problems in three people after consumption of the juice. (
And in February the Los Angeles CBS affiliate investiated noni juice health claims:
They call it a miracle in a bottle. It is the Tahitian Noni juice, a fruit juice that's taking America by storm. But is it a miracle or just hype? The so-called miracle is a prickly, stinky fruit from Polynesia. (
It looks like noni juice is a scam that we should all avoid. Whenever people promise that something can cure everything under the sun, it's probably too good to be true. Make sure people making health claims can back up their claims with solid research. Otherwise, you'll just be wasting your money and your time.
Posted by
Robert Nichols
1:08 PM
Labels: Health Benefits of Noni Juice?
Morinda citrifolia, commonly known as Great morinda, Indian mulberry, Beach mulberry, Tahitian Noni, or since recently: Noni (from Hawaiian), Nono (in Tahitian), Mengkudu (from Malay), Nonu (in Tongan), and Ach (in Hindi), is a shrub or small tree in the family Rubiaceae. Morinda citrifolia is native to Southeast Asia but has been extensively spread by man throughout India and into the Pacific islands as far as the islands of French Polynesia, of which Tahiti is the most prominent. It can also be found in parts of the West Indies.

The plant flowers and fruits all year round and produces a small white flower. The fruit is a multiple fruit that has a pungent odor when ripening, and is hence also known as cheese fruit or even vomit fruit. It is oval and reaches 4-7 cmin size. At first green, the fruit turns yellow then almost white as it ripens. It contains many seeds. It is sometimes called starvation fruit. Despite its strong smell and bitter taste, the fruit is nevertheless eaten as a famine food and, in some Pacific islands, even a staple food, either raw or cooked. Southeast Asians and Australian Aborigines consume the fruit raw with salt or cook it with curry. The seeds are edible when roasted.
The noni is especially attractive to weaver ants, which make nests out of the leaves of the tree. These ants protect the plant from some plant-parasitic insects. The smell of the fruit also attracts fruit bats, which aid in dispersing the seeds.
Posted by
Robert Nichols
1:06 PM
Labels: Noni
Vemma Juice
Mangosteen, known as the "Queen of All Fruits" has been used for centuries by Asian health practitioners for its nutritional benefits and delicious flavor. Combine the antioxidant-rich power of mangosteen with vitamins, plant-sourced minerals, organic glyconutrient-rich aloe vera and decaffeinated organic green tea and you've created the ultimate nutritional foundation.* Introducing the Vemma Nutrition Program™ — Essential for Life!
It's now well-known that taking multivitamins with minerals on a daily basis is vital for long-term optimal health.* The Vemma Nutrition Program provides two powerful liquid formulas that make it easy to get the vitamins, minerals and antioxidants you need to form a solid nutritional foundation.* Each product is bioavailable (body-ready), delicious and easy to take!
In your Vemma Nutrition Program you'll receive two 32 oz bottles of preservative-free Vemma Premix or you can opt for the Non-mixed version with a 32 oz bottle of Mangosteen Plus™ and a 32 oz bottle of Kiwi-Strawberry Essential Minerals®.
Posted by
Robert Nichols
4:44 AM
Labels: Vemma Juice
Goji Berry Juice
Trust me, your not the only one asking what in the world is Goji Juice. Those were my exact words when I first discovered it. Goji (Go-jee) is known as the "Himalayan Health Secret." Goji Berries are packed with powerful antioxidants that destroy free radicals in your body before they can do any harm.
The Goji Berry has been used in traditional Tibetan medicine for centuries! When harvested, the berries are never touched by hand as they will oxidize and turn black if touched while fresh. They are shaken onto mats, then dried in the shade.Goji berries can be used in smoothies or juice cocktails. It is also available in juice form ready for drinking. The Goji fruit contains polysaccharides, which have been demonstrated to fortify the immune system. Goji has been said to have anti-aging properties because it contains a substance that stimulates the secretion in the pituitary gland of human growth hormone (a powerful anti-aging hormone.)
It is the richest source of carotenoids, including beta carotene. Goji is a powerful, antioxidant filled elixir which is traditionally believed to strengthen the body against disease and to provide the energy those having difficulty while healing.
Posted by
Robert Nichols
4:36 AM
Labels: Goji Berry Juice
Wheatgrass Juice Benefits
Wheatgrass. Surely you've heard of this wheatgrass stuff before, right? If you haven't, your about to find out what great health benefits you've been missing out on from not knowing about wheatgrass juice.
I'm sure you've seen these lawn looking cubes being sold at the grocery store. Yes! that's wheatgrass! Now, you can't just pick it up at the store and start eating it. To be able to reap the health benefits of wheatgrass, you must turn it into wheatgrass juice first, with a juicer that is.
Wheatgrass is a plant that produces high amounts of chlorophyll, active enzymes, vitamins, and other vital nutrients. Wheatgrass is also a living food full of vitamins which makes it the freshest food you'll probably eat all day.
Just to give you an example of how powerful this stuff is, one ounce of wheatgrass juice is comparable in vitamins, minerals, and amino acids found is 2 1/2 pounds of green leaf vegetables! Can you believe that!
Besides all of the super healthy vitamins, minerals, and amino acids that wheatgrass provides, you are consuming chlorophyll as well. Chlorophyll is the basis of plant life, and makes up more than 70% of the solid content of wheatgrass.
The chlorophyll in plants is similar to the molecules in human red blood cells which helps in rebuilding the bloodstream, reduces the risk of cancer, and cleanses the body.
- Purifies the liver
- Builds blood cells
- Clears up sinuses
- Reduces Anemia
- Cleanses the colon
- Detoxifies the body
- Helps with weight control
- Reduces the risk of cancer
- Normalizes high blood pressure
- Refreshes and energizes the body
- Stimulates healthy tissue cell growth
- Helps stop growth of unfriendly bacteria
- Beneficial in treatment of skin diseases and burns
- Contains 97 enzymes, vitamins, phytochemicals and minerals
Posted by
Robert Nichols
4:34 AM
Labels: Wheatgrass Juice Benefits