Wednesday, December 5, 2007

whats goji juice

Few people in our Western Civilization have ever heard of Goji juice. In the past 2 years in the United States, the popularity of Goji products have skyrocketed. As the Baby Boomer Generation is entering into their 60’s, health problems and concerns are reaching unprecedented levels. Why the sudden popularity of Goji juice?

For one thing, it is one of the most nutritionally dense food source known on earth. Secondly, it is considered to be the richest source of antioxidants in our planet as well. Thirdly, it is said to possess 4 unique polysaccharides not found in many other food sources. There are many Goji Berry juice products on the market today, some state they are 98% juice.

If you read the fine print however, you will discover that the other fruit juices in the product are not just for flavoring, but often make up well more than 50% of the contents. When purchasing Goji juice, it is recommended that the percentage of pure Goji juice be available on the label or in their literature so you have something to go by.

A good thing about all goji juice is that the taste is great. There is not many times where something that is good for your health tastes so good. It is hard to describe the taste of goji juice it is some where between pear and cranberry juice but you will have to taste it your self to tell. Most bottles are in 32oz. Sizes and the recommended daily dose is 1oz.

Tim O'shea has been practicing and researching nutrition and health related products for many years. Since goji berry juice has become more popular in the US in the recent years his research has been guide mostly in that direction. This product and more can be found at
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Anonymous said...

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Gojiberries said...

That’s very nice. Goji Berries comprise of four different kinds of polysaccharides, Vitamin C, Beta Carotene, Amino Acids, Trace minerals, Vitamin E, B Complex Vitamins, Essential Fatty Acids, etc.